Friday, July 10, 2009

A Year Later

When I first started posting my blogs from my Yosemite trip it dawned on me that I was posting them exactly one year after my journey. So many things have changed in the past year and so many things have happened - both good and bad. As I look back on my experience in the wilderness I realize that it has become a part of my everyday life. Many lessons that I learned and many obstacles that I overcame have come into play in day-to-day situations. I lean heavily on the memories of that journey to push me forward to new goals and to help me reach new mountaintops. The trip prepared me for bigger things to come in my life. It helped shape me into the person I am today - as does every experience that we allow ourselves to participate in. I decided today that it's time to set new goals and new dreams. Time to start reaching higher and further still. I don't know what challenges lay in store for me, but I am ready and willing to start growing again, inside, where it really matters.

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